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How Self-Image May Affect a Man’s Sexual Pleasure

Believe it or not, but your self-image about your body really affects your life, even your sexual life. Self-image is basically a mental picture that an individual draws for his overall personality and his physical body. If a man is not satisfied with what he is or how he looks, he will never ever be able to love himself. This in turn, results into sexual dissatisfaction. Experts generally recommend that a man must feel comfortable and good in his own skin and that his strengths, abilities and weaknesses must be looked upon in a positive manner.

Talking specifically about sex; sex is the combination of both mind and body. Thus, if your image about yourself is distorted, confused or negative, you will not just be hurting yours, but also your partner’s sexual desires.

Why Men Fear About Their Image?

a) The Media

The media of today, no wonder has vast influence. It even influences the way men look at themselves. You might have seen many television ads or movies where men have really smoking hot bodies, toned muscles and all. This creates a stereotype image among the young men who believe that a girl/ woman would only love them if they have such handsome physique and personality. On top of it, men become very conscious about the penis size, as we all have heard that women like BIG…..

b) Puberty Changes and Beyond

The onset of puberty brings too many changes in a man’s body. Some changes are really very exciting, while some become the reasons for anxiety among the teenage boys. One of such reasons is their obsession for a large sized penis. Checking out each other’s penis at a private place is a common thing observed in teenage boys. But, this doesn’t end here.

As they grow older, the insecurity for their body type and the genital area follows up. Some of the boys-turned-men even search for an online generic medicine pharmacy in a discreet manner. They prefer to go on strict medications and assume that they will now become a so-called ‘man’, who would come up as an invincible master in bed.

No wonder, these medicines are effective. But, they should only be consumed if there is a serious sexual issue and also by the recommendation of an expert health practitioner.

What’s The Solution?

Simply love your body; love who you are; love how you look; love your penis. It’s very common to be conscious about your body, especially the genital area. But, never over-think about it. Do not let your self-image get negative. Wait for your body to accept the hormonal changes and stay positive to enjoy an erotic sexual pleasure.